
Showing posts from February, 2018

1 John 2:3-14

1 John 2:3-14 Two marks of true Christianity Front line Church  These are two points that John makes in this chapter displaying what true Christianity looks like. Verses 3-6 Real Christianity is obedience to Christ Verses 9-11 Real Christianity is love for the Church (3-6) "Obedience to Christ" evidence you know Jesus is obedience to Jesus. In these verses God leaves no room for misunderstanding what He is saying. We as humans automatically want to negotiate with God over what He is saying because in our flesh we know we can't keep up with this standard. This text is not trying to push us twords law driven religion nor is it trying to push us away from the grace of Jesus to love people right where they are. Neither is he trying to demand perfectionism,because earlier on in the book  1Jn 1:8   If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. This is John saying that for sure everyone has sin and he even goes...