IBS 1 John 3:20


1 John 3:20  For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

This verse has spoken to me a lot lately. It's very easy for us as Christians to think about how unqualified we are to do the work that God has us doing. Which isn't a bad thing to realize, however when we start dwelling on how unworthy and terrible of a person we are is when we find ourselves in a slippery slope. Yes, each and everyone of us are terrible sinners deserving of eternal death. However, when we dwell on that fact without also recognizing what Christ did for us on the cross when He gave His life as a random for everyone who would choose to call out to Him. And now because of what He has done for us the Father no longer looks at us and sees dirty rotten sinners, but rather His Beloved sons and daughters. This is the way we should see ourselves; beloved, chosen, and redeemed! So next time you're heart tries to condemn you run to the truth that is found in Christ and focus on how your heavenly Father views you.


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