IBS Philippians 4:1


Philippians 4:1  Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren,joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.

This verse is a great example of what love Paul had for the churches that he planted and also gives us a good picture of what God's love for us is like. Whenever we as followers of Christ get to the place where we resent those who we are discipling then we have failed to be the representation of Christ that we are called to be. Paul says that he is talking to his "Beloved and longed-for brethren." So often I find myself needing to pray that God would give me a love for those who I'm serving that surpasses all understanding, because when we do have that love it speaks so much more then any word that we could speak to them.


This week I will ask Sam to keep me accountable to praying for more love for the Ugandan people that I have a chance to serve and disciple.


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